1. 在這個別緻的自助吧檯前,賓客可以盡情發揮創意,調製出屬於自己的獨特口味雞尾酒。我們備有各式新鮮水果、香料和調酒器材,讓你自行混合出最對胃口的雞尾酒。不論是傳統經典、創新搭配,抑或無酒精選擇,在這裡無所限制!自助吧檯絕對是婚禮上獨一無二的亮點,讓賓客樂在其中,也能親手調製出屬於自己的美味佳釀。
2. 若您偏好經典優雅的款待方式,我們同時提供專業調酒師現場表演服務。資深調酒師將巧手現場展示各種精彩調酒手法,為賓客一一調製出一系列精釆美酒。他們的調酒藝術定能為活動增添無限活力與視覺享受。無論是清新果酒、濃郁奶酒還是經典傳統雞尾酒,都能一一呈現在賓客面前,為整個婚宴增添獨特風味。
Welcome to our Cocktail Corner service, where we offer two unique experiences to add a touch of excitement and entertainment to your event. Whether you're hosting a corporate gathering, a wedding, or a private party, our Cocktail Corner options are designed to impress your guests and create memorable moments.
DIY Cocktail Corner:
Our DIY Cocktail Corner is a fun and interactive booth where guests can unleash their creativity and become their own mixologists. We provide a beautifully decorated booth equipped with a wide array of high-quality spirits, mixers, fresh ingredients, and garnishes. Guests can follow our easy-to-use recipes or experiment to create their signature cocktails. Our knowledgeable staff will be present to provide guidance and assistance, ensuring that everyone enjoys a fantastic DIY cocktail experience. -
With bar service:
Our professional bartenders are not only skilled in crafting delicious cocktails but also masters of entertainment. They will showcase their flair bartending skills, mesmerizing guests with impressive juggling, bottle flipping, and mixology techniques. The interactive performance adds a captivating element to your event, keeping guests entertained while they indulge in expertly crafted cocktails.
Both options can be tailored to suit the theme and requirements of your event. Our team will work closely with you to create a customized Cocktail Corner experience that matches your vision. From elegant corporate affairs to lively celebrations, we ensure that every detail is taken care of, from the setup and decoration to the quality of ingredients and service.
Make your event unforgettable with our Cocktail Corner service. Contact us now to discuss your requirements, and let us bring the art of mixology and entertainment to your next special occasion.